they only said goodbye with words, she died a hundred times

Sitter och laddar inför Glasvegas på fredag. Det börjar ju närma sig nu. Kollade på youtube och hittade den här covern av Amy Winehouse snygga Back To Black. Apropå gamla soullåtar. Jag älskade den här när den kom! Älskar fortfarande den rättframma bitterheten. Hade glömt den lite men kom på den nu. Ännu en sak att tacka Glasvegas för alltså. Gillar verkligen att dom ändrat texten så att den inte är i jagform förresten. 


Amys original: 

Back To Black (Amys version)

He left no time to regret, kept his dick wet with his same old safe bet
Me and my head high and my tears dry
Get on without my guy

You went back to what you knew 
So far removed from all that we went through
And I tread a troubled track, my odds are stacked
I'll go back to black

We only said goodbye with words 
I died a hundred times
You go back to her and I go back to us

I love you much, it's not enough
You love blow and I love puff
And life is like a pipe
And I'm a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside

We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her and I go back to...

We only said goodbye in words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her and I go back to black


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